기독교단체  ‘창세기의 응답(Answers in Genesis)’이 켄터키 주 윌리엄스타운에 대규모 테마파크 ‘아크 인카운터( Ark Encounter)’ 에 ‘노아의 방주’ 코너를 7일 개장한다.

2010년부터 1억 달러를 투입하여 완성한 이 모형 방주는 길이 155.4m, 폭 25.9m, 높이 15.5m 규모다. ‘창세기의 응답’  CEO 켄 햄은 “이 사업은 우리 역사상 최대의 위대한 기독교 사업이 될 것”이라며 여기세워진 거대한 노아의 방주가 말세에 큰 홍수로 인류와 지구상의 모든 동물이 멸종할 것에 대비하도록 한 하나님의 뜻을 표현한 것이라고 프리뷰 행사에서 밝혔다.

방주는 성경에 기록된 그대로의 모습을 재현하는데 주력했고 내부에는 노아의 가족과 동물들의 우리가 그대로 재현되어 있다.

일일 관람료는 성인 기준 40달러며 방주 측은 개장 첫해 방문객 200만 명을 예상하고 있다.

웹사이트 https://answersingenesis.org/

Visitors pass outside the front of a replica Noah's Ark at the Ark Encounter theme park during a media preview day, Tuesday, July 5, 2016, in Williamstown, Ky. The long-awaited theme park based on the story of a man who got a warning from God about a worldwide flood will debut in central Kentucky this Thursday. The Christian group behind the 510 foot-long wooden ark says it will demonstrate that the stories of the Bible are true. Its construction has rankled opponents who say the attraction will be detrimental to science education. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

7월5일 켄터키주 윌리암스버그에서 열린 미디어 프리뷰 행사에서 거대한 위용을 드러낸 노아의 방주(Noah’s Ark) 모습. 기독교 단체 ‘창세기의 응답’ 측은 510피트 길이의 이 나무 방주가 성경의 기록이 진실임을 증명해줄 것이라고 말하고 있다. AP Photo/John Minchillo

Visitors roam around a replica Noah's Ark as rain clouds pass overhead at the Ark Encounter theme park during a media preview day, Tuesday, July 5, 2016, in Williamstown, Ky. The long-awaited theme park based on the story of a man who got a warning from God about a worldwide flood will debut in central Kentucky this Thursday. The Christian group behind the 510 foot-long wooden ark says it will demonstrate that the stories of the Bible are true. Its construction has rankled opponents who say the attraction will be detrimental to science education. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

Visitors pass outside the front of a replica Noah's Ark at the Ark Encounter theme park during a media preview day, Tuesday, July 5, 2016, in Williamstown, Ky. The long-awaited theme park based on the story of a man who got a warning from God about a worldwide flood will debut in central Kentucky this Thursday. The Christian group behind the 510 foot-long wooden ark says it will demonstrate that the stories of the Bible are true. Its construction has rankled opponents who say the attraction will be detrimental to science education. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)
AP Photo/John Minchillo
Visitors roam the Ark Encounter theme park as a replica of Noah's Ark stands in the background during a media preview day, Tuesday, July 5, 2016, in Williamstown, Ky. The long-awaited theme park based on the story of a man who got a warning from God about a worldwide flood will debut in central Kentucky this Thursday. The Christian group behind the 510 foot-long wooden ark says it will demonstrate that the stories of the Bible are true. Its construction has rankled opponents who say the attraction will be detrimental to science education. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)
AP Photo/John Minchillo


Ken Ham, president and CEO of Answers in Genesis, the Creation Museum, and Ark Encounter, speaks during a news conference at the Ark Encounter theme park during a media preview day, Tuesday, July 5, 2016, in Williamstown, Ky. The long-awaited theme park based on the story of a man who got a warning from God about a worldwide flood will debut in central Kentucky this Thursday. The Christian group behind the 510 foot-long wooden ark says it will demonstrate that the stories of the Bible are true. Its construction has rankled opponents who say the attraction will be detrimental to science education. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)
그룹 ‘창세기의 응답(Answers in Genesis)의 켄 햄(Ken Ham) 회장이 ‘아크 인카운터( Ark Encounter) 테마파크의 개장을 앞두고 연설하고 있다. AP Photo/John Minchillo
Visitors pass along the central support beams of a replica Noah's Ark at the Ark Encounter theme park during a media preview day, Tuesday, July 5, 2016, in Williamstown, Ky. The long-awaited theme park based on the story of a man who got a warning from God about a worldwide flood will debut in central Kentucky this Thursday. The Christian group behind the 510 foot-long wooden ark says it will demonstrate that the stories of the Bible are true. Its construction has rankled opponents who say the attraction will be detrimental to science education. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)
방주 내부의 모습. 중앙 버팀목을 중심으로 객실과 같은 방이 배치되어 있다. AP Photo/John Minchillo
Children look into a cage containing model baby dinosaurs inside a replica Noah's Ark at the Ark Encounter theme park during a media preview day, Tuesday, July 5, 2016, in Williamstown, Ky. The long-awaited theme park based on the story of a man who got a warning from God about a worldwide flood will debut in central Kentucky this Thursday. The Christian group behind the 510 foot-long wooden ark says it will demonstrate that the stories of the Bible are true. Its construction has rankled opponents who say the attraction will be detrimental to science education. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)
방주 내부 동물용 객실에는 공룡 모형이 전시되어 있다. AP Photo/John Minchillo

A visitor looks into a cage containing a model dinosaur inside a replica Noah's Ark at the Ark Encounter theme park during a media preview day, Tuesday, July 5, 2016, in Williamstown, Ky. The long-awaited theme park based on the story of a man who got a warning from God about a worldwide flood will debut in central Kentucky this Thursday. The Christian group behind the 510 foot-long wooden ark says it will demonstrate that the stories of the Bible are true. Its construction has rankled opponents who say the attraction will be detrimental to science education. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

A visitor browses animal crates inside a replica of Noah's Ark at the Ark Encounter theme park during a media preview day, Tuesday, July 5, 2016, in Williamstown, Ky. The long-awaited theme park based on the story of a man who got a warning from God about a worldwide flood will debut in central Kentucky this Thursday. The Christian group behind the 510 foot-long wooden ark says it will demonstrate that the stories of the Bible are true. Its construction has rankled opponents who say the attraction will be detrimental to science education. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)
동물들을 수용했던 나무 궤짝들의 모습. AP Photo/John Minchillo

Noahs Ark Park_PHOT

A visitor passes a diorama of Noah and his family praying inside a replica Ark at the Ark Encounter theme park during a media preview day, Tuesday, July 5, 2016, in Williamstown, Ky. The long-awaited theme park based on the story of a man who got a warning from God about a worldwide flood will debut in central Kentucky this Thursday. The Christian group behind the 510 foot-long wooden ark says it will demonstrate that the stories of the Bible are true. Its construction has rankled opponents who say the attraction will be detrimental to science education. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)
기도하는 노아와 가족 모습을 모형으로 재현했다. AP Photo/John Minchillo

Visitors take a selfie as a replica Noah's Ark stands in the distance at the Ark Encounter theme park during a media preview day, Tuesday, July 5, 2016, in Williamstown, Ky. The long-awaited theme park based on the story of a man who got a warning from God about a worldwide flood will debut in central Kentucky this Thursday. The Christian group behind the 510 foot-long wooden ark says it will demonstrate that the stories of the Bible are true. Its construction has rankled opponents who say the attraction will be detrimental to science education. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)